Codec Projects - S1E14 - Robbie Morales - Cult Crew | Pro BMX Rider | Entrepreneur


Codec Projects - S1E14 - Robbie Morales - Cult Crew | Pro BMX Rider | Entrepreneur 

We talk about how he got into BMX, racing as a Pro and then how he moved over to street, teaming up with Joe Rich and Taj Mihelich to form Terrible One, leaving to start Fit Bike Co and then leaving that to start up Cult Bike Co. We also discuss a lot of inside BMX, history and how riding and the industry has changed. If you’re into BMX even the slightest you’re going to enjoy this one. 

You can follow Robbie and everything he’s doing at @cultcrew

This episode was sponsored by @triumphprintingco

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Also, don’t forget to check out the 6 part DSIL docuseries that’s now available for purchase or rental on Vimeo On Demand. You can learn more about it and everything else we’re working on at You can also find us on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube @codecprojects


Codec Projects - S1E15 - Carlos Ramirez - No Echo | Filmmaker | Entrepreneur


Codec Projects - S1E13 - Jon Contino - Artist | Designer | Contino Studios